Beef and Cheese Yakitori and cabbage salad

When I was studying at the Paris - Sorbonne Université, 
there were a couple of Japanese restaurants across the street (rue Monsieur le Prince)
where I used to go very often for lunch. 
To be honest, it's not a fancy Japanese with high quality sushi and sashimi...
But, they had incredibly good Yakitori.
Yakitori is mostly marinated chicken or beef skewers. 

Des brochettes à la japonaise quoi...

Here in the States, I can't find them like in Paris.
So I made my favorite Yakitori at home.
Beef and cheese!! So YUMMY!!

Beef and cheese skewers - Yakitori

It is really simple to make!
This is what you need:
skewers, cheese sticks or chunks and paper thin cut beef

Beef and cheese skewers - Yakitori

Take a skewer, insert the cheese and repeat for the amount of skewers you want:

Beef and cheese skewers - Yakitori

Wrap the cheese with the beef.

Beef and cheese skewers - Yakitori

Beef and cheese skewers - Yakitori

Beef and cheese skewers - Yakitori

Season the skewers with salt and pepper.
Heat a pan with some oil, 
cook them until golden brown.

Beef and cheese skewers - Yakitori

It cooks pretty quickly since the beef was paper thin...

Beef and cheese skewers - Yakitori

It's done!
Place them nicely on a plate.

Beef and cheese skewers - Yakitori

I like to eat them as is but if you want more flavor, you can dress with this sauce.
In the same skillet, add 2 Tbs of soy sauce, 1 Tbs of Mirin, 2 Tbs of sugar.
Boil until the sugar melts and the sauce becomes glossy.

Beef and cheese skewers - Yakitori

Put the skewers back in the skillet and roll them in the sauce.
So delicious!! 
I took the picture with only 5 skewers...
I'm already eating one... I couldn't wait...

Beef and cheese skewers - Yakitori

And along with that Yakitori, usually you are offered a cabbage salad.
I love that! It's so refreshing!!

Marinated cabbage salad

I thought it would be very hard to make that kind of cabbage salad, 
that there was a secret recipe behind it because it was so delicious.
But, actually...
it can't be easier...!!!

Maybe it is not their recipe but what I make has the same taste and even better! 
All you need is two handful shredded cabbage
3 Tbs of Seasoned Gourmet Rice Vinegar
3 Tbs of sugar

Mix them together.
Leave at least an hour.

