3. Jeon

Jeon - Korean savory pancake

Jeon is actually a savory crispy pancake and I love it!
There are so many kind of Jeon that I could eat a different one everyday and I won't be tired of it!
It's more a festive food or a complimentary food when drinking korean rice alcohol.

I made mine with chopped spinach, onion and hot pepper topped with a shrimp.
I always mix half and half of those flours. 
One gives you the chewiness and the other one the crispiness.

After adding the mix, add water. There is not perfect measurement because it really depends on what ingredient you put in your pancake. Some ingredients make the batter more watery (like mushrooms or seafood) after the batter is made. So I measure with my eyes.
I like to have my batter a bit thicker though.
The batter is ready.

Heat a large pan with lots of oil (not as much as frying).
When the pan is very hot, diminish the heat to medium-low.
Scoop a big spoon of the batter and fry it. 
Add the shrimp on the batter.

When the bottom is getting brown, turn the pancake over.
Leave it few minutes until it gets brown and crispy.
It's done!!

It looks so beautiful and it is really tasty!!

