Restaurant style Luxury Fried Chicken Sandwich! 레스토랑 치킨 샌드위치 맛을 집에서 즐겨요!!

Vraiment, je pourrai manger que des sandwich tous les jours.
J'adore ça!
Je ne m'en lasse jamais.

Aujourd'hui j'ai fait un sandwich au poulet frit dans le style asiatique, en fait plutôt japonais.
La sauce est fantastique et c'est tellement bon! 
Transformez votre sandwich comme celui d'un resto chic!!

Asian style chicken sandwich

I could eat sandwiches everyday! 
I really love it! 
And I'm never tired of eating sandwiches.
Today, I made a fried chicken sandwich with asian style sauce.
It's fantastic! So delicious!!
Make your own luxury restaurant style sandwich!!!

정말 매일 먹어도 안질리는 나의 샌드위치 사랑...
너무 너무 맛있어!!! 
오늘은 일식 소스를 곁들인 닭가슴살 치킨 샌드위치를 만들어봤어요.
고급 레스토랑 샌드위치 맛을 집에서도 즐겨보아요!!!

You need bread...

Slice thinly carrot, cabbage and onion

Season the veggies with 1 Tbs of rice vinegar and 1 Tbs of sugar
Marinate for 10 minutes

Cook the chicken. I had breaded chicken breast.
I love my air fryer. It's now 8 years I've been using this one! 

Add some greens on one side of the toasted bread

Take the chicken breast out of the airfryer and put it on the greens
The chicken looks so yummy!! 

Top gently with the marinated veggies on the chicken

These are the sauce!

Little bit(?) of Mayo and the Bulldog sauce on top of the veggies

Breaded chicken breast sandwich

Breaded chicken breast sandwich

The crispy and juicy chicken with marinated crunchy veggies in the toasted bread...
All the textures and tastes in your mouth... 
WOW !! 

Take a bite and You'll fall in love!

