Sweet and Spicy Chicken with Cheese!! and... Gnocchi! - 매운 닭볶음, 치즈와 뇨끼!! 꼭 먹어봐야해!!

We love spicy food. 
If you know Korean food or if you ever tried Korean food, you can tell the difference.
The Korean way of cooking spicy is so much better and delicious than what you would usually think of a spicy food.

The sauce is mostly very hot but sweet at the same time so it becomes like an addiction. 
You just keep eating the food over and over while you are repeating "it's too hot, it's too hot!" and looking ugly because you're sweating!

This dish is one of my hubby's favorite. 
Stir-fried chicken!

It's delicious as is but... 
Eating cheese with the hot sauce is HEAVEN!!

And yes, it's gnocchi! Pan sauteed gnocchi.
 It's unusual but you should definitely try. 
The crunchiness of the fried gnocchi with the spicy chicken and cheese...
