What to do with leftover rice? 찬밥으로 뭐하지? Meatballs!

What to do with leftover rice? 

Make Meatballs!

I usually have some ground meat at home because it's really easy to prepare for your meals.
This time, I had ground beef sirloin in the fridge and I decided to use the leftover rice to make meatballs. 

Believe or not, it is surprisingly delicious!

You need:

1.5 lb ground sirloin (or any meat)
5 Tbs of cooked rice
1/4 of onion chopped
1 small carrot chopped
2 Tbs soy sauce
2 Tbs sugar
(if you like the kick, add 1tsp of hot peeper powder)

In a large mixing bowl, put all the ingredients at once and mix with your hands.
Make ping pong size balls.
I like to make it a bit flat because it's easier to eat.

You can cook it on a oiled pan. 
But today I chose to put it in the oven 400F for 20 minutes turning once in between.
If you want to put in the oven, spray a little bit of oil on top so that it doesn't dry.

It is extremely easy and fast. 

